The Courier our main character Our villains This intense action-thriller unfolds in real time as two embattled souls fight for their lives. Academy Award (R) winner Gary Oldman (The Dark Knight franchise) stars as a vicious crime boss out to kill Nick, the lone witness set to testify against him. He hires a mysterious female motorcycle courier (Olga Kurylenko, Quantum of Solace) to unknowingly deliver a poison-gas bomb to slay Nick, but after she rescues Nick from certain death, the duo must confront an army of ruthless hired killers in order to survive the night. Rating: R (for strong violence including bloody images, and language throughout) Genre: Action & Adventure, Mystery & Suspense Directed By: Zackary Adler Written By: Zackary Adler, James Edward Barker, Nicky Tate, Andy Conway In Theaters: Nov 22, 2019 Limited On Disc/Streaming: Nov 22, 2019 Runtime: 97 minutes Studio: Lionsgate Some people give 1 star or low mark t...
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